Protect yourself from Unionism!

The attempt to use violence to force an employer to pay a desired non-economic wage is clearly robbery. It is a demand that either an employer rob himself or his customers, which can mean pricing himself out of the market. Rushdoony: Institutes of Biblical Law, Vol. 1, p. 508.

The following links are provided so you can educate yourself about the dangers of unionism!

The National Right to Work Foundation

National Right to Work Committee

Say No To Unions

Labour Watch Association

National Alliance for Worker and Employer Rights

Evergreen Freedom Foundation

Union Facts

Youtube Right to Work Channel

Freedom is not free, you have to fight for it! Stop Un-Constitutional Unionism Today!

Order these great books on Unions and Corruption.   

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In Association with

Ludwig von Mises on Labor Unions

Exclusively preoccupied with wage rates and pensions, the unions boast of their Pyrrhic victories. The union members are not conscious of the fact that their fate is tied up with the flowering of their employers enterprises. Planning for Freedom p. 91 Unions

The labor unions are deadly foes of every new machine. Human Action p. 269; p. 269 Unions

They and their members and officials have acquired the power and the right to commit wrongs to person and property, to deprive individuals of the means of earning a livelihood, and to commit many other acts which no one can do with impunity. Planning for Freedom p. 191 Unions

As people think that they owe to unionism their high standard of living, they condone violence, coercion, and intimidation on the part of unionized labor and are indifferent to the curtailment of personal freedom inherent in the union-shop and closed-shop clauses. Planning for Freedom p. 153 Unions

The labor unions aim at a monopolistic position on the labor market. But once they have attained it, their policies are restrictive and not monopoly price policies. They are intent upon restricting the supply of labor in their field without bothering about the fate of those excluded. Human Action p. 374; p. 377 Unions

No social cooperation under the division of labor is possible when some people or unions of people are granted the right to prevent by violence and the threat of violence other people from working. Planned Chaos p. 27 Unions

The labor unions of the Anglo-Saxon countries favored participation in the Great War in order to eliminate the last remnants of the liberal doctrine of free movement and migration of labor. A Critique of Interventionism p. 123 Unions

No one has ever succeeded in the effort to demonstrate that unionism could improve the conditions and raise the standard of living of all those eager to earn wages. Human Action pp. 764-65; pp. 77071 Unions

The issue is not the right to form associations. It is whether or not any association of private citizens should be granted the privilege of resorting with impunity to violent action. It is the same problem that relates to the activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Human Action p. 773; p. 779 Unions

Strikes, sabotage, violent action and terrorism of every kind are not economic means. They are destructive means, designed to interrupt the movement of economic life. They are weapons of war which must inevitably lead to the destruction of society. Socialism p. 307 Unions

The cornerstone of trade unionism is compulsory membership. Socialism p. 435 Unions

The weapon of the trade union is the strike. It must be borne in mind that every strike is an act of coercion, a form of extortion, a measure of violence directed against all who might act in opposition to the strikers intentions. Socialism p. 435 Unions

The policy of strike, violence, and sabotage can claim no merit whatever for any improvement in the workers position. Socialism p. 437 Unions

Union Membership in the Light of Scripture

The Truth about the origin of Unions

Historically, a trade union can be described as a Bolshevik, Mafia styled Religious Cult. Since their inception, trade unionis have been influenced by communists and mafia crime syndicates.  The religious aspect of unionism is evidenced by the membership oaths that are required where the members are bound to the membership oath. The origins of an oath is clearly religious in nature. 

Consider the following in support of this assertion:

Throughout the history of Western Civilization, oaths have been understood to be solemn declarations made in the presence of God, to Whom we are accountable.

Because of the importance attached to oaths by Scripture and centuries of common law experience, it is important for us to consider the oath of office.

If we are tempted to think that the oath is not important, perhaps because we have heard some Christians say the Bible says we should never take an oath at all, we should reconsider our position.

John Witherspoon, Presbyterian theologian, mentor of many of the Founders, and signer of the Declaration of Independence, explained that religion and the oath were inseparable:

An oath is an appeal to God, the Searcher of hearts, for the truth of what we say and always expresses or supposes an imprecation [a calling down] of His judgment upon us if we prevaricate [lie]. An oath, therefore, implies a belief in God and His Providence and indeed is an act of worship, and so accounted in Scripture, as in that expression, Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and shalt swear by His name. . . . . Persons entering on public offices are also often obliged to make oath that they will faithfully execute their trust . . . .

Reference: The Works of John Witherspoon (Edinburgh: J. Ogle, 1815), vol. VII, pp. 139-40, 142, from his "Lectures on Moral Philosophy," Lecture 16 on Oaths and Vows.

The following oath has been taken for generations by members joining the Teamsters Union. In light of the above material by Witherspoon about the relgious nature of oaths the following Teamster oath binds its members into a godless religious covenant known as the "Brotherhood of Teamsters." See my fifth union dispatch for information on the foundational influence played by communists and the mafia in the trade unions.


Fellow worker, you will now take an obligation that will bind you to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and this Local Union and that will in no way conflict with your religious belief {an outright lie since unionism, i.e., socialism is incompatible with Christianity} or your duties as a citizen:

I,________________, pledge my honor to faithfully observe the Constitution and the laws of the International Brotherhood of  Teamsters and the bylaws and laws of this Local Union.

I pledge that I will comply with all the rules and regulations {The bylaws are a rather lengthy document which very few individuals whom swear allegiance to this document have ever seen let alone read it} for the government of the International Union and this Local Union.

I will faithfully perform all the duties assigned to me to the best of my ability and skill.

I will conduct myself at all times in a manner as not to bring reproach upon my Union.

I shall take an affirmative part in the business and activities of the Union and accept and discharge my responsibilities during any authorized or lockout. I

I pledge not to divulge to non-members the private business of this Union, unless authorized to reveal the same.

I will never knowingly harm another member.

I will never discriminate against a fellow worker on account of race, color, religion, sex, age, physical disability or national origin.

I will refrain from any conduct that would interfere with the Union’s performance of its legal or contractual obligations.

I will at times bear true and faithful allegiance to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and this Local Union. {A classic mark of cultism}

Source: Teamsters Article II: Membership

The swearing of an oath is an initiation rite and religious in nature. God is sovereign over this world, over human life, and in heaven. Making non-biblical oaths and vows violates God's sovereignty. Jesus forbade the taking of oaths in Matthew 5:33-37 which is especially relevant to unionism. Jesus taught us to be content with our wages in Luke 3:14. Unionism teaches us not to be content with our wages.

It should be noted that anytime an oath is required there are sanctions or penalties for violating the oath. In unionism, this historically is where the mafia influence comes in. This mafia influence has historically manifested itself as the enforcement wing of unionism's coercion. Today, violence and threats are still a big part of union tactics. Unionism also uses fines levied against a member who exercises his First Amendment freedom to speak out against the union.  

In addition, it should also be noted that when union members call themselves brothers and sisters this is a concept borrowed from Christianity and further evidence that this brotherhood has a religious element to it. Union membership does not qualify to make someone my brother or sister in Christ.   Union brotherhood is non-christian in nature, and violates the clear commnad of the scriptures where we are told not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers in 2 Corinthians 6:14.

Today thousands are force into union membership against their will and by law regardless of having actually seen this union oath are bound to it legally. This is outrageous and highly immoral.  

The following letters of correspondence and Union information dispatches were used to educate the employees of a company I've been associated with for many years. I've purposely left out the name of the company and in cetain places, individual names. There is no sense having to re-invent the wheel. Feel free to use any of the following dispatches. Simply add your own personal information to make it relevant to your situation. 

First letter of correspondence:

PRESIDENT of -----


Dear Union Boss:

This letter is to inform you that an overwhelming majority of employees at the ------ production and warehouse facility do not wish your union organization to represent us in collective bargaining.

Enclosed with this cover letter are the signed signatures of 85 employees who would be affected by your teamsters union if it became the bargaining agent for us. We are currently collecting even more signatures supporting this petition drive.

Your union has placed a great emphasis on the individual rights of employees. This is commendable! We certainly hope you live up to the words that your organizers have spoken in this regard.

It is our wish that you withdraw your request with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to hold an election for purposes of representing us in contract negotiations as our bargaining agent. We also hope that your union does not resort to any strong arm bullying legal tactics to force your union into our production and warehouse facility.

And furthermore, many of us are highly offended of your recruiting tactics where as unbeknown to many, the cards signed for allegedly providing us with information of meetings and information were actually legal documents binding us to rules of union membership should you win the upcoming election you have positioned the NLRB to oversee and monitor.

We hope that you as a fellow American will honor our freedom of choice in this matter. Please honor our wishes to withdraw your election petition.  If you proceed with an election I can assure you, that you will lose this election decisively.

Grace and Peace from Our Lord Jesus Christ,

Jack Kettler

Employee of -----------

Second letter of correspondence:


Dear Union Boss:

I received your open letter dated 1/24/2007 yesterday but was puzzled about what to do. You did not sign the letter; it had grammatical errors and was not properly paragraphed. I thought you must have inadvertently sent an unfinished draft copy. In spite of numerous problems with your letter and not being sure if the copy I received was a draft or a finished version, I will briefly counter respond to the issue you have raised.

First, everyone who works in the production warehouse facility at ---- will be negatively affected by your organization if it were to become the collective bargaining agent for certain specified employees. Employee discord has already taken place because of your recruitment efforts. I will provide one example of many that could be cited to refute the issue you raised. In the event of a union strike (your only point of leverage or power), employees not represented by your organization would be adversely affected by such things as long work hours, cancelled vacations and employee management relations problems during this time and therefore have a right to participate in an election to determine the future of their work environment.

Secondly and more important, even if we exclude the employees that you do not want to represent (a union anomaly) we have a majority and growing number of votes to win decisively the election should you pursue it.  

I have personally experienced your union representation twenty some years ago at ----. During this time we had pitifully abysmal contracts in the area of wage increases. In addition, your union called for a strike that had disastrous results. Many people lost their jobs permanently; others were out of work for months before being re-hired. This strike caused tremendous financial damage to many families.

You have made many promises of what you can change for the better at ----- in order to get individuals to sign your authorization cards. In your next open letter, I challenge you to put any of your promises in writing as a guarantee of what you will do for us.


Jack Kettler

Employee of ------

Union Information Dispatch #1

Fact:  Our workers in the production warehouse facility are hard working and intelligent!  The Union leaders are taking us for dummies!

We, contrary to the high paid leaders (six-figure income earners) at the Union hall live in the real world and have to make choices all of the time.  For example, let’s consider what is involved in making a car, computer or television purchase.

When we make any of the above purchases we expect to have a printed guarantee of the specifications of the item we are going to buy. We want to know how much memory the computer has, the size of the hard drive, how fast the CPU is. We want to know how many pistons and horse power the engine of the car or truck has, how many miles per gallon we will get in the car or truck we are about to purchase. In regards to televisions, we want to know what the picture will look like compared to the other models in the show room. This involves pixels or lines of resolution.

We also expect to have a service contract that protects us if we get a defective item. In other words, we expect and deserve a written money back guarantee or replacement of defective parts.  A written guarantee protects us, the buyer. The Union is trying to get us to buy a service contract. What is involved in the contract? No one knows. They refuse to put into writing what they are going to do for us.

In Union Boss, ------- most recent open letter dated January ---- 2007, which he did sign, he conveniently forgot to state in writing (I challenged him to put in writing) his guarantee of what the Union will do for us in the area of increased wages, and benefits. Imagine that, he wants us to pay for his service but he refuses to put in writing what he will do for us. In addition, and more importantly, he refuses to put in writing a money back guarantee if we conclude his service is defective or does not live up to our expectations. This is our right as consumers!

None of us in our right minds would purchase a car, truck, computer or television with out some kind of written guarantee to protect us and insure that if the product is defective we can return it for a refund or replacement. This is why I say, the highly paid Union leaders are taking us for dummies. They want us to give them a blank check and allow them to fill out the details later. This has all the hallmarks of a scam. We will hold the Union to the same standard as any other business that wants our money for a service or product. We want a written guarantee!  This is only reasonable.   

                              Information provided by Jack Kettler, ------ Employee

Union Information Dispatch #2

 Who needs a middle man?

In this day and age, we do not need a middle man to make things cost more. We’ve all heard about eliminating the middle man. This is a good thing! Today we can buy online direct from the manufacturer or go to a factory outlet store to save money. The Union wants to come between us and -------- as a high-priced rip off middle man service.

The Union is a rip off organization. If they were fair, we should only have to pay them once every five years to negotiate a contract. Not month after month, year after year, for five years straight out of our pay checks. Any legitimate bargaining business would only charge us a one time fee for the contract and then when the contract is up we could hire them again if we thought they did a good job. The Union wants us to hire them as full time middle men and then make it next to impossible to fire them.

The contract that the Union will negotiate may be a five year contract. Over the period of a five year contract, should it go through, the Union will collect from us in between 300 to 400 hundred thousand dollars in monthly payroll deducted union dues! This is outrageous!  It only takes the Union less than 100 thousand dollars to negotiate and administer a five year contract. This price in and of itself is a con job. More importantly, where does the extra 300 thousand dollars go? It goes to the fat cat union bosses’ overpriced salaries and to their corrupt political masters in the way of campaign contributions. These cash cow recipient Congress Creatures then protect them with freedom of conscience destroying laws such as forced unionism, i.e. socialism. The unions then punish those individuals who have opposed them on the basis of the infringement of their individual liberty through union fines and work place intimidation. 

During the negotiation time leading up to a contract, the negotiators meet 4 days out of every month (not a bad work schedule). If the contract is completed in 11 months, (the time frame the Union will push hard for) you have a total of 44 working days for the high dollars union attorneys. Think about this, the union is going to try and charge us 100 thousand dollars for 44 days of work and the minimal expenses to administer the five year contract! Again, what about the extra 300 thousand dollars they are stealing from us? Go figure. A con job is in the works.  

Where is the guarantee in writing of what the Union will do for us? Where is the written money back guarantee if we are not satisfied with their service?  We are still waiting for Union Boss, ------- reply. Don’t hold your breath!

The next Union Information Dispatch will show why the Union will intentionally give us a terrible contract! What’s in your wallet? Keep the Union out of yours! It is dangerous to your financial health! Just say no!

Information provided by Jack Kettler, ------- Employee

                                                 Union Information Dispatch #3

                                                         A Bad Contract?

The Union wants the tax cash flow to start going into their bank account as soon as possible. This is how they make money. It does not take a rocket scientist to understand that the union does not work for free. 

As stated in a previous dispatch, union business agents are trained in how to manipulate a vote to get the members to accept lousy contracts. A contract may be lousy for the members, but good for the Union. Why would the Union profit from a bad contract?  First, the Union profits from a high employee turnover. All new employees pay the union initiation tax in addition to the payroll tax. This initiation tax is a lucrative revenue source for the union. 

The turnover will start when the senior employees take a big financial hit in a Union contract. Contrary to what the Union’s propaganda has been, everything is on the table including the wages of those loyal employees that have been with the company for many years. There will only be one wage scale and the top of the scale will not be where many of the senior employee’s hourly rates are currently. This means that the most loyal employees will have a wage reduction. Along with the loss of the company’s contribution to the 401 K plan and you have the Union’s desired recipe of employee turnover.

One thing the Union fears is a work force of employees that have a special bond which comes from years of working together. Why is this?  Employees with this special bond know each other and trust each other and are able to organize themselves effectively to fight against the union protection and taxation racket. An employee work force with a high turn over means employees that do not know each other and will find a difficult time in trusting each other. With a high turnover work force, it will be extremely difficult to organize a campaign to boot the union out.  That is why some businesses have had unions for years simply because of the inability of the transitory, high turnover work force to mount any type of resistance to the union’s skillful manipulation techniques.     

Once the union gets in and destroys a company’s ability to reward long term committed loyal employees, the attrition begins. The business then starts losing its most committed employees because of the one wage scale in the union’s socialistic pay system. The union loves a wage pay system in which everyone is paid the same. Merit pay is out the window in union shops and many employees are forced to find work elsewhere. A business has to keep hiring new employees to keep their business operating. The company’s employees are now made up of new hires with no long term leaders who can organize resistance to the union protection and taxation racket. Bad contracts are good business for unions and bad business for career minded employees. 

What’s in your Wallet?  Keep the Union out of yours!  The Union is hazardous to your financial health!      

Information provided by Jack Kettler, ----- Employee

Union Information Dispatch #4

Union Boss, ------ just does not get it.

It looks like union boss ------ is back to his forgetful ways. In his letter of -----, 2007 using the official Union letterhead he forgot to sign his name. If we were to hire him to negotiate a labor contract, what else would he forget? 

-------’ letter of ----- is truly bizarre. He listed what he considers to be some kind of written guarantees. These are not guarantees and that is why I say, he does not get it!

His first guarantee is pure nonsense. He says: “We will negotiate the best possible contract.” Think about what this means? Is it better than what we have now? What if it is less than we now have. Is that the best? According to him, it could be.

His second guarantee is ridiculous. We are supposed to have confidence that our untrained co-workers are going to help negotiate a contract. Untrained co-workers sitting across the table from professional contract attorneys is not my idea of a good bargaining team.

His third guarantee about a secret ballot election at the union hall in my opinion is downright scary. I’ve seen first hand a union business agent push through a lousy contract on the members. Union business agents are trained to manipulate the vote.

Let me suggest to ------- what we expect by way of a written guarantee.

If the Union were in the unlikely event were to become our bargaining agent, they would never under any circumstances present to the ------ employees a contract for a vote that did not contain pay increases of at least 3 % per year for all employees starting at current pay levels. This would be for the duration of the contract along with benefit improvements. If a contract is not reached during the first year, the Union will voluntarily request of the National Labor Relations Board a decertification of their union from representing ------- with out the necessity of a vote.

It has been said that there are two things you cannot escape, death and taxes.  However, in the present situation at ------- we have the opportunity to avoid a new menacing tax. It is the Union’s attempt to implement a payroll tax in order for us to keep our jobs. A Union tax of $69.00 per month for five years amounts to a total of $4,140.00. I don’t know about you, but my family can use this money.     

Vote no on the Union’s insidious payroll tax!  What’s in your wallet?

                                       Keep the Union out of your wallet!    

Information provided by Jack Kettler, ----- Employee

Union Information Dispatch #5

Union Facts that will make your hair stand on end!!!

  1. Labor investigator Michael Moroney, who has served as a consultant to the federal Organized Crime Strike Force argues that mobsters back in the 1930s didn’t simply "infiltrate" unions; they established them. "The five crime families of New York are the foundation of American trade unions," he said.  "Without the support of the Mafia, and government officials who have winked at them, most unions simply would not exist."
  2. Unions are the modern form of communism, restricting what members can earn and by telling them what political stance they can have. They dictate to their members what they will earn. They dictate to their members what their political views must be. Freedom of choice is no longer valid when you are in a union.
  3. Every year union members give a portion of their hard earned money to labor unions. What do they get in return? Union membership provides nothing, except substandard medical and dental benefits.
  4. Unions take the money from their members and spend it on politics. They spend the money endorsing political ideas that may or may not reflect the values, ideas or political parties of their members. They do it without asking, polling or voting on what the members want or would like. The unions only care about advancing their power and control over their members, business and politicians.
  5. Unionism is a form of organized crime. Unionism threatens to damage a company financially through its strike threat. This is where unions have historically gained concessions, by bringing a company to its knees through financial loss. The strike threat union’s use is nothing more than an attempt of collective or group theft.
  6. A recent National Labor Relations Board's annual report for included the number of Unfair Labor Practices alleged against unions. Union officials faced a disproportionately high number of allegations of wrongdoing, when compared to employers. The worst part: The vast majority of allegations said that members were the ones hurt by the union officials that are supposed to protect them.
  7. This report detailed the fact that Unions faced a total of 6,381 allegations and 82% of charges against unions alleged illegal restraint and coercion of employees.
  8. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) represents more than 1.3 million members. It is perhaps best known for its historical relationship with the mafia. In 1989 the Justice Department brought a racketeering case against the union, saying that it was a "wholly owned subsidiary of organized crime." Since 1992, the Teamsters have been overseen by an Independent Review Board (IRB) that is charged with making sure the union stays clean. It is not entirely clear that this IRB has succeeded; in fact it is extremely doubtful.
  9. A 2002 article in the generally pro-union New Republic magazine noted that the IBT is "still plagued by corruption; ex-felons and people with reputed mob associations lurk around the edges of key Teamster locals seeking influence over the union.  Indeed, corruption within the Teamsters may actually have increased in recent years.
  10. Embezzlement, False Reports, Violence is the history of Unionism. Most people don't know just how many crimes are committed every year through which union officials hurt their own members. The number of reputed and verified crimes is staggering.
  11. Union officials have regularly ordered or approved of violent, coercive and harassing conduct aimed at making an example of employees who don't toe the union line.
  12. “Schemes involving bribery, extortion, deprivation of union rights by violence, and embezzlement used by early racketeers are still employed to abuse the power of unions.” Source: U.S. Department of Labor Office of Inspector General, 2004
  13. According to a 1999 Congressional report four of the last eight Teamsters presidents have been indicted according to the FBI.
  14. Despite being outspent 10-to-1 by his opponent, Teamsters presidential aspirant Tom Leedham received a third of the vote in the union’s November 2006 election. The centerpiece of Leedham’s campaign was a vocal dissatisfaction with President James P. Hoffa’s administration, which Leedham says has a “dismal record of failure.” As he told the October issue of In These Times: “[Hoffa] pushed through the largest dues increase in the history of the union without a membership vote … [H]e ran on a pledge of no dues increase … He doubled dues, but there’s been no doubling of union power … He developed an anti-corruption program with great fanfare and spent $15 million, but it collapsed when he blocked investigators when they were getting close to his office … [Dues] support [the] lavish lifestyle of top officers, with the number of international employees receiving multiple salaries increasing from 16 to 163.”
  15. In 2005 alone, federal racketeering investigations resulted in 196 convictions against union officials and $187 million in fines. Union tactics including deception and intimidation during organizing campaigns, strikes that hurt members more than they help, spending mandatory union dues on radical political agendas, and the use of anti-democratic voting practices are long overdue for exposure.

What’s in your Wallet?  Keep the Union out of yours! A Union is dangerous to your family’s financial health!

Vote NO on the Union Payroll TAX!

                             Information provided by Jack Kettler, ----- Employee

Union Information Dispatch #6

Facts about Freedom!  

No one should be forced to pay tribute or protection money to a union in order to keep a job.

Under federal law, if union organizers win a representation election by even 50% plus one of those voting, they are empowered to negotiate contracts on behalf of all 100% of the workers. In fact, under some circumstances, union officials become monopoly "representatives" even when most workers are against them! And by law each and every worker loses his or her right to negotiate directly with the employer on his or her own behalf.

This trampling of individual rights flies in the face of what the Bill of Rights is all about. As Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson wrote in Board of Education vs. Barnette:

"The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to [place] certain subjects . . . beyond the reach of majorities. One's right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to a vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections."

As noted economist and Nobel Laureate F.A. Hayek wrote about U.S. labor law:

"It cannot be stressed enough that the coercion which unions have been permitted to exercise contrary to all principles of freedom under the law is primarily the coercion of fellow workers. Whatever true coercive power unions may be able to wield over employers is a consequence of this primary power of coercing other workers."

A recent poll by the Marketing Research Institute found that over 84% of Americans believe that employees who do not wish to be represented by a labor union should have the right to bargain for themselves. In fact, some 75% of union-member households agreed that such monopoly bargaining is wrong.

Union political contributions to unprincipled Congress Creatures can be described as a circle of influence buying political payback corruption. The net affect of this in the real world is that freedom loving, individuals are forced into unionism against their wills and then subjected to unfair union payroll taxation without representation. Union leadership is not representation in a Constitutional sense of the word. Forced unionism is an affront to the Constitutional guarantees of one's right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly. Vote no on freedom destroying unionism!

To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson

                             Information provided by Jack Kettler, ------ Employee

This last official dispatch addresses the union after realizing it did not have the votes to win an election has resorted to legal tactics to force their way into our company. Union rhetoric aside, they do not respect free speech and self determination is the union is not in the picture.

Union Information Dispatch #7

Facts about the Teamsters canceling our right to vote!

One of our most cherished freedoms is the First Amendment which describes our God given right to exercise freedom of speech. One of the ways we apply this freedom is when we vote in an election to determine our future. Voting is an act of free speech!

The Teamsters thru pre-vote polling accomplished by their home visits and phone calls to ------ employees preceding the scheduled election on March 1st 2007 knew that they did not have enough votes to win the election.

Rather than act honorably and accept an election defeat, a union member, possibly with the knowledge of the local union bosses, concocted a fabricated story of a threat to justify canceling our right to vote. This spurious allegation will be proven to be false!

Consider the significance of this action in light of specific promises they have made:

1. The Union in their public meetings with our employees spoke of how they would respect our decision if we decided not to hire them as our bargaining representative. They spoke often of our right to vote and make this choice.

2. In addition, they have spoken of how the Union is a democratic organization where all the power resides with the members of the local union. This is false. Their undemocratic autocratic decision to cancel the election was made by the union bosses without our knowledge or consultation. This is complete and total lack of respect!

On February 27th 2007, the Union attacked our God given right to vote and exercise true democratic freedom! They do not respect our democratic freedom of choice. It is now clear from their actions that the Union has no honor and are in fact, liars!

In a previous letter to the union dated 1/22/2007 accompanying the signatures of a majority of employees who did not want the union, we asked the union “not resort to any strong arm bullying legal tactics to force your union into our production and warehouse facility.” Just as we asked them not to, the teamsters are now using strong arm legal bullying tactics to force their way into ------- through subterfuge and duplicity.  

The Union is beyond trust! We will not stand for their tyranny! We will now begin a second petition drive, this time with a copy going to the National Labor Relations Board and the National Right to Work Foundation!

No Union Ever at ----------! Throw the Bums out!

Information provided by Jack Kettler, ------ Employee


Union membership has numerous parallels with joining a gang! Shocking but true! #8

A gang is a group of Individuals that share a common identity, even if the identity consists of little more than their association with one another. Gang is a general class of behavior in which collective action and support of community interests and goals to active social cohesion or solidarity. Solidarity is very important in Gangs, Cults and Unions.

  1. Membership in both unions and gangs provide the false security of belonging to the group. In reality, it is no security at all.
  2. Joining unions and gangs are similar in that it is usually involuntary or pressure is applied to individuals to force them in.
  3. Neither unions nor gangs can deliver on their promises.
  4. Both unions and gangs use intimidation and threats of and real violence to keep their members in line.
  5. Both unions and gangs engage in theft.
  6. Unions and gangs have links to other criminals.
  7. Both union and gang members are manipulated and controlled by the leaders.
  8. It is easier to join a union and gang than to leave.
  9. Leaving or opposing a union or gang can involve personal risk such as the threat of violent payback and or financial damage i.e. union fines or destruction of property.

No doubt, some pro-union employees as they read this are thinking a violent thought. If so, this proves point number nine.

News: LA's building-trade unions are stepping up recruitment in the inner city, where many new hires are former and current gang members. Posted May 21, 07 in USBusinessArts & Living

A book note: It is interesting to note how similar some of my friend's reasons for joining the union are to the reasons teenagers give for joining street gangs. Page 66 from: A Violent Heart by Gregory K. Moffatt

One Internet blogger notes: Just join a Union....same lifestyle as a gang but with benefits and political clout.

Question: If labor unions are the only things that stand between the working person and out-and-out poverty how is it that actual wages have been growing while the rate of unionization has been declining over the last fifty years? This trend is indisputable!

Information provided by Jack Kettler, ------ Employee

Union Information Dispatch Re: The Brotherhood of Losers! #9

When considering the failure rate of this group (96%) over the last ten years it is only appropriate to rename them the Brotherhood of Losers!

If you hire this bottom of the barrel group, you might lose:

  1. Lose the ability to participate in the company’s 401 savings program.
  2. Lose your current health care provider if forced into the Loser’s benefit program. I can tell you cancer horror stories resulting from the Loser’s health care provider.
  3. Lose real wages. A contract can result in a reduction of wages!
  4. Lose yearly wage increases if contract negotiations go on and on.
  5. Lose your company pension if it is absorbed into the Loser’s mismanaged pension fund.
  6. Lose real money if the Losers get into your wallet through their payroll deduction scheme.
  7. Lose your freedom of speech. If the Losers gain power they do not tolerate speech that criticizes them. This particular dispatch would result in a union fine!
  8. Lose the ability to talk with your supervisor about many aspects of your job.
  9. Lose your job if they call you to go on strike.
  10. And finally, you might lose all respect when people find out you hired this group of Losers with such a pathetic track record on signing contracts to represent you.

This group of Losers is desperate to sign a contract and because of this; they will trick you into signing a bad contract.  They offer no written guarantee for their service. A written guarantee or warranty is standard practice in business.

Things not to do:

Don’t join a cult, don’t join a gang and for heaven’s sake, don’t join the Losers! 

Fact: Union officials have ordered or approved of violent, coercive and harassing conduct aimed at making an example of employees who don't toe the union line. See: for examples of union crimes! Also, Learn about The Union Campaign Against Secret Ballot Elections. Un-American but true!

Information provided by Jack Kettler, ----- Employee

The following article is dated but it nevertheless provides valuable insights into the corruption that has been part of the union movement since its inception. It is also interesting to note that there is alway congress creatures who will line up to get campaign contributions from the unions. 

Reader's Digest
July 1986

Time To Put Labor Racketeers Out of Business

Gangsters dominate four major U.S. unions-and use them to pick the pockets of all Americans. We have to declare total war on their corrupt empire


READER'S DIGEST Senior Editor EUGENE H. METHVIN was a member of the President's Commission On Organized Crime and supervised its investigation into union corruption.

Joe Teitelbaum, owner of a Miami stevedoring company, became so fed up in 1975 with shakedowns by the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) that he turned to the FBI. The G-men were ecstatic to have an industry insider bold enough to wear secret tape recorders and introduce undercover agents to his business.

A federal probe lasting five years uncovered a massive, Mafia managed cartel stretching from Boston to Houston. The racketeers sold labor peace on the docks where delays can cost shipowners $35,000 a day, rigged bids on ship repairs, orchestrated fraudulent workmen's compensation claims, shook down employers for payoffs and fingered cargoes for truck hijackers. Dockworkers even had to pay a daily kickback to get work.

The FBI's biggest catch was the ILA's No. 3 officer, Anthony Scotto, boss of Brooklyn Local 1814. FBI electronic surveillance captured irrefutable evidence that Scotto was a capo in the Gambino gang, one of New York's top crime families. The Gambino organization controlled the docks as far south as Norfolk, Va., while the Genovese gang-another major New York crime family-ran the ILA locals farther south.

By 1981 Justice Department prosecutors had convicted 52 union officers and 58 company executives and corporations. Despite the convictions, little changed. The FBI subsequently recorded Gambino boss Paul Castellano boasting, "It's our International." Last January the President's Commission on Organized Crime reported, "Life on the docks today remains much as it was."

"Bad Four." The frustrating result of this, the most successful labor-racketeering probe the FBI ever mounted, underlines a national scandal: four major American labor unions, with a total of nearly three million workers, are dominated by La Cosa Nostra, the crime syndicate, and its allies. The "Bad Four" are:

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), whose l.9 million members range from airline pilots to truck drivers. The IBT has been under the mob's thumb for three decades. Former president Roy Williams, imprisoned for conspiring with Mafia leaders to bribe a U.S. Senator, acknowledged under oath that every major Teamster local "had some connection with organized crime" and his successor, Jackie Presser, is as controlled "as I was."*

The ILA, representing 116,000 dockworkers on the East Coast, the Gulf Coast and the Great Lakes. Through this union, reports FBI Director William Webster, the mob imposes a "racket tariff" on all goods shipped through U.S. ports. Syndicate-managed thefts at Miami docks alone total $2 billion a year-costs that are passed directly to shippers and consumers.

The Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International (HERE), whose 400,000 members are "owned" by the Chicago Mafia, according to Congressional testimony and the FBI. In nine years the union's assets have dropped from $21.4 million to less than $14 million. Millions have been siphoned away in "loans" to gangsters and associates.

The Laborers' International (LIUNA), whose 509,000 members are concentrated in heavy construction and the building trades. In addition to extorting kickbacks and payoffs, LIUNA leaders rig bids, fix prices and order contractors to buy supplies from mob-controlled firms. By one authoritative estimate, the Mafia monopoly adds 20 percent to construction costs in New York City.

The presidents of all four of 11 these unions have invoked the Fifth Amendment in refusing to answer official inquiries about criminal activities. Though AFL-CIO policy prohibits officials who take the Fifth from holding union office, the presidents of the three AFL-CIO unions continue to sit on the parent body's executive board. (The Teamsters were expelled from the AFL-CIO for corruption in 1957.)

Neglected Weapons. Federal law-enforcement authorities, for their part, have ample legal power to clean up these unions, particularly with two weapons Congress gave the Justice Department in the 1970 Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations statute (RICO).

Legislators provided in RICO both criminal and civil sanctions for those engaged in a "pattern of racketeering." To imprison them, prosecutors must produce "proof beyond a reasonable doubt." But in a civil proceeding, government prosecutors or private parties need only supply a "preponderance of evidence." Then a jury or judge can impose triple damages. A judge can dissolve or seize racketeers' companies, oust them from their union posts or welfare-fund trusteeships, and ban them for life from specified business or union activity.

The late Sen. John L. McClellan (D., Ark.), the legislation's author, predicted the civil RICO law would assure the "wholesale removal of organized crime from our organizations and forfeiture of their ill-gotten gains."

But in 15 years, the Justice Department's organized-crime strike forces have brought just 68 criminal RICO prosecutions, with a distinct minority of those against union racketeers. These cases yielded only $1.1 million in fines and $3.2 million in forfeited assets. The neglect of the civil RICO weapon has been even worse: a mere six cases in 15 years, only one against a union racket.

By contrast, states that have adopted their own RICO statutes have put Washington's record to shame. Florida has had its statute only nine years, yet its attorney general has won $8.3 million in 39 civil RICO cases against racketeering enterprises as diverse as pornography, prostitution, theft, fraud and drug smuggling. In six years Arizona has brought 75 RICO prosecutions and chalked up judgments exceeding $16 million.

Rare Victory. Clearly, there is a great deal more to do on the federal level. Indeed, one of the few outstanding federal civil attacks on labor racketeering shows what can be accomplished by an all-out offensive.

In New Jersey, Mafia capo Tony Provenzano and his family ruled a Teamster empire, embracing 35 locals and 90,000 members, by sheer terror. In his own Local 560, two members who dared oppose Tony Pro were murdered-one gunned down as he left home the morning after speaking out at a union meeting.

The Provenzano group bilked Teamster welfare funds and oversaw Mafia loan-shark activities. They also infiltrated legitimate trucking companies to perpetrate a series of frauds and inside thefts, bleed the firms white and force them into bankruptcy. To avoid labor troubles, employers were compelled to make wholesale payoffs and hire ghost employees.

Justice Department prosecutors sent Tony Pro to prison for extortion. Yet he continued to run the union from his prison cell, his brothers assuming his official posts in Local 560. When Provenzano was finally put away for life for murdering a Teamster worker, his successor was none other than his 23-year-old daughter.

Then on March 9, 1982, Newark Strike Force chief Robert C. Stewart filed the first-ever civil RICO suit against a union. After a four month trial, he won a resounding victory. Federal Judge Harold Ackerman declared that the evidence revealed "how evil men engaged in a multifaceted orgy of criminal activity," and he ordered the removal of the entire Local 560 executive board and the appointment of his own trustees to run the union. An appeal of his order is pending.

Rich Potential. Stewart's New Jersey triumph had strong reverberations in Washington. Assistant Attorney General Stephen S. Trott told Congress, "The Local 560 case has opened our eyes to the potential of civil RICO. Future cases along the lines of Local 560 will be instituted."

Months passed, and nothing happened. Last March, the President's Commission on Organized Crime scored Justice Department inaction and called for a nationwide strategy "to bankrupt individual mobsters and to discourage union officers, employers and public officials from accommodating organized crime." But an effective federal assault will have to overcome these longstanding obstacles:

1. Lack of political will. Busting union rackets has never been popular work in Washington. Explains one former Labor Department investigator: "The rank-and-file union members are powerless, while their leaders can make campaign contributions, provide telephone banks and move voter blocks--muscles that win elections."

Thus, ILA vice president Scotto marched Brooklyn dockworkers to cheer candidate Jimmy Carter, and President Carter invited him to lunch-even after FBI agents had recorded incontrovertible proof of his Mafia membership and union piracy.

President Reagan has entertained Teamster leaders Williams and Presser at the White House. In 1980 top LIUNA officers trooped to the White House to have their picture taken with Vice President Walter Mondale and present him with a campaign contribution. In the last two Congressional campaigns, the Bad Four collected $4.7 million to aid favored candidates.

Declares the President's Commission: "When corrupt union leaders are seen joining hands with politicians it conveys a message that political leaders are beholden to the union. Such contacts can erode public confidence and dampen the desire to end racketeering. Organized crime is aware of this and purposefully seeks to cultivate and benefit from political influence."

2. Anemic enforcement. Congress has never provided enough personnel and funds to enforce the laws it has passed to safeguard union members' rights. "I have fewer than two hundred people to oversee fifteen thousand federally protected union pension and welfare funds containing billions of dollars in trust for millions of workers," complained Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor John J. Walsh before he quit in 1984. (The union funds are in addition to the 700,000 other private pension plans that the Department oversees.) The DOL has only 89 investigators to help the Justice Department combat labor racketeering. A veteran prosecutor told me, "I could use more than that in Manhattan alone."

The racket-busters' principal antagonist is Robert J. Connerton, a lobbyist and LlUNA's longtime general counsel. Lawyers in Connerton's firm wrote a law-journal article denouncing DOL corruption fighters as "a national police force with little accountability"-without noting that one of their firm's major clients is the racket-ridden LIUNA. Connerton spearheaded an AFL-CIO lobbying drive that sank a Reagan Administration effort to persuade Congress to provide I50 more DOL investigators.

3. Bureaucratic bumbling and bickering. For decades, lethargy and rivalry have dogged federal anti-racketeering efforts. When the Justice Department indicted Florida LIUNA official Bernard G. Rubin for embezzling $400,000, for instance, prosecutors moved to place union funds under trusteeship. After DOL declined to assist, pleading "lack of manpower," the Justice Department abandoned the effort. Rubin was convicted (he is appealing), but Senate investigators found he embezzled an additional $2 million before he went to jail.

DOL's 89 crime investigators do not have the authority to carry guns, execute search warrants or make arrests. When a DOL agent wants to bust a racketeer, he has to hunt up an FBI agent to accompany him. Sen. Sam Nunn (D., Ga.) has introduced remedial legislation, but a turf-jealous Justice Department has stalled it for almost three years.

4. Inadequate planning, analysis and pursuit. The FBI, its agent strength cut by nearly ten percent between 1976 and 1980 has lacked the manpower to mine its vast lode of surveillance tapes of top mobsters. The G-men in Chicago, for example, recorded thousands of hours of criminal conversations between Teamster president Roy Williams and his cohorts, but harvested only a single case.

"I know what those tapes contained, and it's a shame only a single prosecution came out of it," one FBI agent told me.

Proper planning and analysis could pyramid such intelligence bonanzas into seizures of racketeers' property, expelling them from office and placing their unions under court supervision. Scores of FBI veterans are retired at age 55, when they're considered too old to "work the streets." Why not use them as intelligence analysts to pore through the files and plan strategic long-range strikes?

5. Neglect of corporate racketeers. While businessmen are often unwilling victims, they may also be eager customers for the mob's chief product: muscle to terrorize workers and keep them quiet while corrupt union and corporate executives strike sweetheart deals.

The Commission on Organized Crime heard from one self-styled mob "leg breaker" who described how corrupt Teamster leaders conspired with Fortune 500 company executives to cut wages and welfare benefits, and jettison safety rules.

The Justice Department prosecuted only seven defendants-not one of them a Fortune 500 executive.

EVERY AMERICAN, whether union member or consumer, has a direct stake in ending the mobster empire of labor racketeering. When your Congressman and Senators ask for your vote this autumn, ask them these questions: What have you done to root out racketeers and get the Justice Department moving to break the Mafia stranglehold on key unions? Are you accepting campaign contributions or endorsements from the "Bad Four" unions?

Meanwhile, write Chairman Don Nickles (R., Okla.), Senate Labor Subcommittee, 428 Senate Dirksen Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20510;; Chairman William L. Clay (D., Mo.), House Labor-Management Relations Subcommittee, 2451 House Rayburn Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515; or Attorney General Edwin Meese 111, U.S. Justice Department, Washington, D.C. 20530. Tell them it's time to put labor racketeers out of business, now.

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