12 Nights in Odessa                                                                  

12 ночей в Одессе, Украина


12 Nights in Odessa The Odyssey of Calvin and Myria in the Wild Fields

Кальвін і Мірія відправляються на 12 ночей в Одесу в Україні, щоб відкрити для себе дик


By Randy Warren

Reviewed by Jack Kettler




Mr. Warren has been involved in Ukraine since 1994. Eventually, he moved to Odesa, where he and his wife lived for six years. During that time, he came to love the city, which reminded him so much of his hometown, Savannah, Georgia.


A Review:


The author’s book is in the genre of historical fiction. It is set in a real place during an identifiable time. Many characters in the book are fictional; some are not and are well-known. 


The main characters in the book are well-developed and believable, and likable. Character and historical development span several centuries. The author accomplishes this without getting bogged down with unnecessary detail. However, the details provided explain the history and character development successfully.   


The author has spent much time in Odesa, Ukraine, thus allowing him the ability to explain in fascinating detail the city’s and countryside’s architecture, how the local people dress, the food they eat, and historical knowledge of the city and region, and its customs.


It is a fast-paced action thriller with a surprising, unexpected creative twist that would be a spoiler if revealed. The book is an entertaining and culturally educational read. In addition, Warren’s book could be turned into an exciting, action-packed thriller movie.


In the climax ending of the book, the author creatively incorporates spiritual redemption. The book is a great entertaining read and is highly recommended. The author’s descriptive words in this book effectively stimulate mental images of the characters, architecture, countryside, and scenery.     


Mr. Kettler is the author of 15 books in the area of theology that can be ordered online at Amazon.
