Last Days Madness

By Gary DeMar American Vision

Reviewed by Jack Kettler




Gary DeMar is a prominent Christian author, speaker, and educator known for his works in the fields of theology, eschatology, and Christian worldview. He was born on November 2, 1950, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. DeMar holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Latin and Greek from Western Michigan University and a Master of Divinity degree from Reformed Theological Seminary.


Throughout his career, Gary DeMar has been a staunch advocate for a biblical worldview and has engaged in debates and discussions regarding various theological and cultural issues. He is particularly well-known for his critiques of Dispensationalist eschatology and his defense of postmillennialism, a perspective that holds to an optimistic view of the future based on the gradual triumph of the Gospel in history.


Some of Gary DeMar’s notable books include:


1.      “Last Days Madness: Obsession of the Modern Church” - In this book, DeMar critiques Dispensationalist eschatology and presents alternative interpretations of key biblical passages related to end-times prophecy.

2.      “End Times Fiction: A Biblical Consideration of the Left Behind Theology” - DeMar addresses popular beliefs about the end times popularized by the "Left Behind" series and offers a biblical critique of Dispensationalist teachings.

3.      “Is Jesus Coming Soon?” - This book explores the biblical teachings about the timing of Christ’s return and challenges the notion of an imminent secret rapture followed by a seven-year tribulation period.

4.      “God and Government”—DeMar delves into the relationship between Christianity and civil government, advocating for a biblically informed perspective on political and social issues.

5.      “America’s Christian History: The Untold Story” (co-authored with Mark A. Beliles) - DeMar examines the influence of Christianity on American history and challenges secular narratives that downplay the nation’s Christian heritage.

6.      “The Debate Over Christian Reconstruction” (co-authored with Gary North) - DeMar engages in discussions about Christian Reconstructionism, a theological framework emphasizing the application of biblical law to various aspects of society.


These works reflect Gary DeMar’s commitment to biblical scholarship, cultural engagement, and the application of Christian principles to contemporary issues. He continues to be a respected voice in Christian circles and a proponent of a comprehensive Christian worldview that encompasses all areas of life.


What others are saying:


“Last Days Madness” by Gary DeMar has received positive endorsements from various scholars, theologians, and readers. Here are a few endorsements highlighting the book's strengths:


R.C. Sproul (Renowned Reformed theologian and founder of Ligonier Ministries):

“This is a timely book. I believe it makes a powerful case for a pre-A.D. 70 date for the book of Revelation. If that is the case, as I am inclined to believe, it takes an enormous amount of wind out of the sails of the dispensational position.”


Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. (Reformed theologian and author of “Before Jerusalem Fell”):

“This is an excellent work and long overdue. In a most readable style, Gary DeMar provides biblical answers to one of the most crucial issues facing the Church today. His scholarship is sound, and his arguments are compelling. If you want to understand what the Bible teaches about the last days, you need to read this book.”


Joel McDurmon (President of American Vision and author):

“Gary DeMar’s Last Days Madness is a mainstay in the postmillennial, preterist, and partial preterist movements. This book has brought scores of Christians out of the quagmire of newspaper eschatology and into the glorious light of first-century reality. It provides a solid biblical understanding of ‘the last days’ that does not leave one feeling hopeless and out of control.”


James B. Jordan (Biblical scholar and author of “Through New Eyes”):

“Last Days Madness is one of the most important books written on Bible prophecy. It demonstrates that the Bible does not predict the future in the way commonly thought in our day. This book is must reading for pastors, teachers, and thinking Christians generally.”


These endorsements from respected theologians and scholars highlight the book's scholarly rigor, its contribution to understanding biblical eschatology, and its impact in challenging popular but questionable interpretations of end-times prophecy. DeMar’s work has been influential in encouraging readers to engage deeply with the biblical text and to reconsider widely accepted eschatological frameworks.


A Review:


Gary DeMar’s “Last Days Madness” is a compelling critique of Dispensationalist eschatology, offering a robust examination of its theological premises and challenging many of its speculative interpretations regarding end times. In his work, DeMar presents a well-researched and structured argument that aims to dismantle popular Dispensationalist beliefs about the end times, highlighting key flaws and inconsistencies along the way.


Gary DeMar’s book “Last Days Madness” is divided into the following chapters:


1.      Introduction: An Overview of Eschatology

2.      The Covenants: Old and New

3.      The Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9

4.      The Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24)

5.      The Book of Revelation

6.      The Restrainer

7.      The Beast of Revelation

8.      The Millennium

9.      The Great Tribulation

10.  The Rapture

11.  The Resurrection

12.  Conclusion: A Hopeful Future


These chapters provide a structured framework for DeMar to address various aspects of Dispensationalist eschatology and offer his critiques and alternative interpretations based on biblical analysis and historical context. Each chapter delves into specific topics related to end-times theology, making “Last Days Madness” a comprehensive exploration of the subject from a non-Dispensationalist perspective.


One of the central arguments DeMar makes is against the idea of a secret rapture followed by a seven-year tribulation period, a cornerstone belief in many Dispensationalist frameworks. He argues that this concept is a relatively recent development in Christian theology and lacks substantial biblical support, instead tracing its origins to the 19th-century teachings of John Nelson Darby and the subsequent rise of Dispensationalism.


DeMar also challenges the Dispensationalist view of Israel’s role in end-times prophecy, arguing that the New Testament presents a different understanding of the relationship between Israel and the Church. He critiques the idea of a future rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and a reestablished sacrificial system, arguing that such beliefs undermine the finished work of Christ and the spiritual nature of the Church.


Furthermore, DeMar engages with Dispensationalist interpretations of key biblical passages such as Daniel, Matthew 24, and Revelation, offering alternative readings that emphasize the fulfillment of prophetic promises in Christ rather than in future events. He contends that many Dispensationalist interpretations rely on forced readings of scripture and fail to consider the historical and cultural context of the biblical texts.


Overall, “Last Days Madness” presents a thorough and thought-provoking critique of Dispensationalist eschatology. It encourages readers to reconsider popular end-times beliefs and engage more deeply with the biblical text and its historical context. Through careful analysis and compelling arguments, DeMar invites readers to explore alternative perspectives on eschatology that are grounded in a broader understanding of Christian theology and biblical interpretation.


“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)


Mr. Kettler has previously published articles in the Chalcedon Report and Contra Mundum. He and his wife, Marea, attend the Westminster, CO, RPCNA Church. Mr. Kettler is the author of 18 books defending the Reformed Faith. Books can be ordered online at Amazon.